HSB-81 Airhog
Vacuum Air Suction Separator
Utilise the air separation power of the EH-81 Airhog anywhere with the generator powered HSB-81.
The self-powered Ecohog HSB-81 Airhog vacuum air suction separator combines a 20kVA generator into the existing EH-81 heavy duty suction fan design.
The inclusion of a power module to the HSB-81 makes it the ideal machine for hire/demonstration and remote working applications. It partners excellently with existing Ecohog mobile equipment range and can be easily moved by forklift or telehandler.
Incorporating a frequency controlled heavy duty fan, the Ecohog HSB-81 Airhog vacuum air suction separator is designed for the removal of light and superlight containments from your waste stream such as paper, plastic and foil. This allows customers to produce a more profitable end product. The extraction hood can be designed to fit any conveyor belt removing low density materials and allowing heavy density materials to continue to its final destination.
Check out our EH-81 Airhog or submit your details below for a call back.